
Abstract Format

 Click here: LAFST Conference Invitation

 Click here: LAFST Conference Program 

 Click here: Minister of Industry Law

بمزيد من الفخر، و بعد الجهود الحثيثة للجمعية اللبنانية لعلماء و تقنيي الغذاء و اللقاء المثمر الذي أقيم بين وفد الجمعية و وزير الصناعة معالي الوزير وائل أبو فاعور، نزف إليكم خبر اقرار قانون كانت قد نادت به الجمعية منذ سنة 1995 الذي من خلاله سيتم تحقيق هدف بارز من أهداف الجمعية و هو ضمان حق الخبير الغذائي في العمل و تشغيل المصانع اللبنانية .
فقد أصدر وزير الصناعة وائل ابو فاعور قراراً طلب فيه من مصانع المواد الغذائية استخدام مراقب متخصص في السلامة الغذائية، انطلاقاً من المسؤولية الوطنية وحفاظاً على الصحة العامة والسلامة الغذائية ودرءاً للأخطار والأمراض المختلفة التي يمكن أن تؤثر على كافة المستويات الصحية والجسدية.

This is the result of LAFST persistance since 1995. The Minister of Industry Mr Wael Abou Faour promised us that the our last meeting. It was announced at LAFST-2019 conference.
LAFST would continue to support food scientists and technologists.


LAFST third Annual Conference entitled “Food Science, Technology & Environment” at Riviera Hotel Beirut on September 26th &27th 2019

Attendees were industries, researchers, professionals in the field of food science and technology and the
concerned Lebanese ministries.

Event One

Farmer Food Safety and Quality (F2F FSQ) Program in partnership with The Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences at Notre Dame University – Louaizeh (NDU) and the Lebanese Association of Food Science and Technology (LAFST)Conducted a seminar entitled “U.S. Labelling Requirements and Imports Rejection” At Abou Khater Auditorium – (NDU)

event 2

The seminar was open to students, staff, alumni of NDU , LAFST members and all potential stakeholders and approximately 49 people were in attendance.

During the seminar, attendees shared opinion, thoughts, inquiries and suggestions for consideration in the upcoming events.

They keynote speaker was Mrs. Christine Blackledge(Food Safety International Consultant) spoke about food laws and regulations, CODEX ALIMENTARIUS – Lebanon Attendance, becoming a CODEX observer, FDA import refusal – Lebanon – 2019-2021, the new USDA Nutrition facts label examples of different label format and labeling requirements in a 3 hours session. During the seminar, attendees elaborated on the potentials for export to US and the main mistakes that occur during labeling from local entrepreneurs. At the end the attendees reached consensus on recommendations and discussed related obstacles and solutions.

Event Two

Fun fair was held at the International School of Choueifat-Koura, on the 22nd of October from 12:00- 4:00 pm, LAFST has a food safety booth to raise awareness among the students and attendees.

Event three

Food safety awareness schools' campaign

November 22, 2022

نظمت ج“الجمعية اللبنانية لعلماء وتقنيّي التغذية“ بالتعاون مع الاعتناء بالأمّ والطفل”، بالتعاون مع “الجمعية اللبنانية لعلماء وتقنيّي التغذية”،  محاضرة توعية حول سلامة الغذاء والحدّ من انتشار الاوبئة في “متوسطة الريحان الرسمية”.

 وشكرت الجمعية اللبنانية لعلماء وتقنيّي الغذاء ممثلة برئيستها رنا شعيتو على تعاونها واهتمامها الدائم بسلامة الغذاء”.

وتحدثت شعيتو عن دور الجمعية اللبنانية لعلماء وتقنيّي الغذاء ومتابعتها لموضوع الغذا، وصحة الإنسان وسلامته. وأكدت الحاجة لحملات التوعية المستمرّة لضمان نجاح ايّ مشروع يهدف لحماية المواطن. وشكرت جمعية “الاعتناء” على “تعاونها ورعايتها ودعمها لمثل هذه الأنشطة، خاصة في هذه المرحلة”.

The “Lebanese Association of Nutrition Scientists and Technologists” in cooperation with Mother and Child Care, in cooperation with the “Lebanese Association of Nutritional Scientists and Technologists”, organized an awareness lecture on food safety and limiting the spread of epidemics at the “Al-Rayhan Official Intermediate School”.

  She thanked the Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists, represented by its president, Rana Shaito, for her cooperation and constant interest in food safety.

 Shaito spoke about the role of the Lebanese Association of Food Scientists and Technologists and its follow-up on the issue of food, human health and safety.  She stressed the need for continuous awareness campaigns to ensure the success of any project aimed at protecting the citizen.  She thanked the “Its Care” Association for “its cooperation, sponsorship, and support for such activities, especially at this stage.”

Event Four

Food safety awareness schools' campaign

November 29,2022